Today you’ll learn:
- The nature and power of your mind
- How to empower yourself through your thoughts
- How to use impactful ideas + action to create your ideal life
Before we get started…
I designed a no-bullshit, easy to follow and highly actionable guide designed to help you stop struggling with limiting self-talk, directionless uncertainty, and maintaining deep focus once and for all.
I call it the Key of Mind, and it will allow you to finally take the powers of your mind into your own hands through empowering thought, crystal clear clarity, and laser-like focus.
Click or tap here to learn more.
All is mind, the Universe is mental.
I want you to entertain this idea for a moment, as if you unquestionably believed it to be true.
What if you knew, without any doubt, that consciousness/awareness is at the center of everything?
From the smallest particle to the largest galaxy, what if the foundation of all things wasn’t matter – but mind.
How would your perception change?
How would it influence the decisions you make?
How would it change your life?
Well, call me crazy… but I do believe this to be the case.
That the mind directly interfaces with and creates reality.
I believe this because I have experienced, over and over again, my own mind’s power to shape my life, to reflect the vision I have for it (and to be honest, the idea that life/awareness arises from a dead/unaware Universe never really sat well with me in the first place, but that’s a discussion for another day).
And I also fervently believe you have this power as well.
You really can create yourself and your life however you want, in whatever way you want, and it all begins with your mind – setting the intention of who your ideal self is and what your ideal life looks like, and using concentrated focus and attention channeled through action to bring that intention to life in the real world.
A successful business begins as mental energy, an idea within the mind of the entrepreneur who builds it.
An artistic masterpiece begins as mental energy, a vision within the mind of the artist that creates it.
A leap in engineering or technology begins as mental energy, a theory within the mind of the inventor or scientist that tests it.
The Universe is mental, and you are a being with the ability to shape your life and how you experience the world through the power of your mind.
My hope is to help bring you one (or even a few) steps closer to being able to do that more effectively and a bit more easily.
Limitless Thoughts
Knowing how mental energy functions, and how to channel it, is the first and most essential step to developing your mind for limitlessness.
This begins by understanding the two primary forms mental energy takes:
- thoughts
- ideas
All ideas are thoughts, but not all thoughts are ideas.
A thought can be mental activity relative to anything – looking out at the sky and thinking “the sun feels good,” for example.
Whereas an idea is mental activity that is creatively charged and/or action oriented – looking out at the sky and thinking “the sun feels good… I should write about the mental, emotional, and physical benefits of sunlight.”
You channel mental energy in a way that is in alignment with constructing your ideal life by consciously directing thoughts and intentionally cultivating ideas.
You should aim to become highly intentional with your thinking – how you think and what you think about. This doesn’t mean you need to consciously direct every single thought that pops into your mind, but it does mean you should be aware of and consistently work to improve the quality of your thoughts.
For example, let’s say you are striving to be a successful entrepreneur. You see the opportunity the internet provides, and you want to take advantage of it.
Could you ever expect to do that successfully without first directing your thinking toward making your goal a reality? Or, if your thinking was constantly sabotaging the realization of your own desire?
You have two people, both with the exact same desire to create a successful online business, and one person thinks…
“I will absolutely do this, I’ll go through the trial and error it takes to find clarity in my direction. I’ll experiment constantly and fail as often as I need to. I will be successful as an entrepreneur no matter what.”
While the other person thinks…
“I don’t know if I can do this, I don’t know if I’m cut out to go through the trial and error it takes and I just feel so lost in my direction. I could experiment, but what am I supposed to do if I fail? I want to be successful as an entrepreneur, but I don’t know if I have what it takes…”
Based solely on the way they think, the way they direct their mental energy, you immediately know which one of these two people has the higher possibility of being successful as an entrepreneur.
There is no becoming your highest version of self, or creating your ideal reality, without first cultivating thoughts that are in alignment with those visions of who you desire to be and how you would like to live.
Limitless Ideas
The next phase is bridging mental energy with action through the cultivation of impactful ideas. It is through ideas that you transfer energy from the mental world to create results and outcomes within the physical world.
Clear intention + focused attention + effective action = manifestation
— Justin C Scott (@iamjustincscott) July 22, 2022
But that’s easier said than done, right?
After all, good ideas are rare and inspired action is hard to come by…
Well, no, I don’t think so. In fact, I believe good ideas are not only common, but bountiful within the mind – and action doesn’t need to be inspired to be effective, it just needs to be taken with dedication and consistency.
Most people never get past the intention of bringing their ideas to life because they fail to integrate this simple belief. They get stopped before they even start by a misplaced sense of needing to be perfect, highly impactful, or unexpectedly successful right away.
The first step to cultivating and acting on not just good, but powerful, creatively charged ideas is to first release yourself from the above notion.
Manifesting your ideal life through creative intention + action is a marathon, not a sprint.
It is something that benefits by zooming out and thinking along longer time horizons.
Does that single piece of content really need to be perfect if you’re focused on building a massive catalogue of content that will provide immense value to others over a period of years or even decades?
Does that offer really need to be reworked 100 times before it’s launched if you’re focused on building a catalogue of offers and services that can serve as a cohesive value ladder, where every component that comprises it can always be improved and refined over time and post-launch?
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating for you to not do your best or even strive for excellence in your work.
I’m simply encouraging you to think in an alternative way when it comes to idea generation and, most importantly, action taken relative to those ideas – a way that, at least I have found, allows ideas to flow much more freely and with much less resistance (and, ironically, massively improves short-term results).
The second step to cultivating and acting on creatively charged ideas is to consume with the intention of creating combinatively.
Everything I’ve ever written, or filmed, or produced has its roots in something someone else has written, filmed, or produced.
A tree grows, it bears a seed, that seed falls into fertile soil and gives rise to a new tree under the right conditions.
The ideation and creative process work the exact same way:
- A tree grows – in this case, I am contributing to your understanding of the mind through this article and other works I’ve produced.
- It bears a seed – you read this article and decide you want to use the information presented to help generate your own ideas, your own content, your own offers, etc.
- The seed falls into fertile soil – you start producing content of your own, inspired by me and others producing similar work, but presented through your unique perception/understanding/experience within the subject.
- A new tree rises – You are now contributing to another’s understanding of the mind through your own work, which will inevitably inspire someone else to begin the process all over again.
So consider what you want to create, what you want to produce ideas around, and consume content around that subject or those subjects.
The final step in the process is to engage with the information you are working with and taking continuous creative action on it.
It’s taking power-potential (knowledge) and transmuting it into useable power (applied knowledge).
Here are a few tips to help you get started:
- Capture knowledge, intentionally engage & study rather than passively consume. Begin cultivating a library you can always reference and that can serve as a wellspring for creative idea generation to flow freely.
- See where you can find common threads and concepts presented in different ways by different people – how can you improve the presentation of the information? How can you streamline it + make it more easily understandable/ accessible to yourself and others?
- See where you can connect seemingly unrelated concepts in order to create breakthroughs – how can you give rise to new angles that can add greater depth and dimension to the subject or field?
Limitless Mind
I encourage you to contemplate the concepts presented here deeply and intentionally.
Ask yourself how you can apply them over the coming week – don’t look to create massive changes, but small shifts.
What parts of this article can you integrate into your thinking, idea generation, or creative action? How can you slightly improve your current process or the quality of your results?
Embracing your own divine nature as a limitless creator and the idea that reality reflects your mental landscape is only one half of living with a limitless mind.
The other half is found in the understanding that this is an ongoing, lifelong learning process. It’s recognizing that you are perpetually a student, regardless of how much you accomplish or how high you climb as a result of working with and applying your mental energy.
You are constantly in a state of becoming, a state of uncovering and discovering – and that is the most beautiful part about it. Because just when you think you’ve hit the ceiling of your own ability, you find it goes higher than you ever thought possible.
And don’t forget, you can tap or click here to get the Key of Mind.
Much love and, as always, thank you for reading.